The neverending KAL.

Between the two of us, my mother and I must have at least 70 years of knitting. Or perhaps closer to 80. In that time, we have churned out countless FOs. Jumpers, socks, cardigans, hats, scarves and shawls – you name it, we’ve done it. We’ve knitted for ourselves and each other, for friends & family as well as complete strangers. We knit at home and away, in private and in public, on our own and with others.

So, you get it: we can knit, and we do knit.

However… there’s one project we seem utterly incapable of completing: our sock KAL. We kicked it off FOUR YEARS AGO. We started off strong, feeling very excited about it all – until we started knitting and promptly discovered that both of us hated the pattern. That wasn’t a big problem, though; as we all know, false starts are part and parcel of knitting. So we unravelled, picked a different pattern, and cast on anew. This time, we persisted and each completed a sock before too long.

Fast forward a few years… and we each had one completed sock. Determined to finish this KAL if it was the last thing we did, we picked up our hibernating UFOs and started knitting on them again. And realised that the reason we hadn’t been working on them was that 1. the pattern was not enjoyable and 2. the finished result was not that pleasing. Well, life is too short, right?

So – we unravelled once more, picked a new pattern and set off again. Given our track record, I’m hesitant to make any predictions about whether we’ll finally complete our KAL socks… so I’ll settle for saying that so far, we’ve had no major mishaps.

Third time’s a charm..?


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