My friend Scout.

Sometimes, a knitting project is just right. A kind of Goldilocks Zone project that ticks all the boxes. And guess what – I’ve got one right now. (Yep, I’m pretty lucky.)

I haven’t quite decided on a name yet – my working title is the ‘Scout sweater’, because I was listening to an audiobook version of To Kill a Mockingbird the first couple of days I worked on it. (Read by the wonderful Sissy Spacek.) Maybe I’ll stick with ‘Scout’, or maybe I’ll go with ‘Jean Louise’… we’ll see. Anyway, I’m enjoying this project tremendously.

First, there was the planning – sketching and swatching and whatnot. Now, I’m one of those knitters who really enjoy swatching and stuff, so this part of the process was pure pleasure. Next, I ordered the yarn (as a namnsdagspresent for myself), and it arrived in no time at all. Yay!


Then I cast on and started knitting. And since then, I’ve hardly put Scout down. I’ve worked on her at home, and she’s come with me pretty much everywhere – to the park, the library, going for coffee… She’s such great company. Fine, she doesn’t say much (well, nothing, in fact), but her silent companionship is just fine by me.

The worst thing is, this knitting is going really fast. At this rate, Scout will be done in a couple of days, and I will have to say goodbye to her. Sure, I’ll have a lovely sweater to wear – but wearing my knits is never as much fun as actually knitting them. It’s like WIPs are close friends that you hang out with all the time – but FOs are more like acquaintances that you see every once in a while.

You know that feeling when you’re reading a book that’s got you absolutely hooked and then you start getting close to the end of it, and you find yourself reading more and more slowly in an attempt to make the story last as long as possible… well, that’s how I feel about Scout. Time to start knitting really slowly.

One thought on “My friend Scout.

  1. Pingback: Goodbye, Scout. |

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